Begonia variety F

Original price was: ₹550.00.Current price is: ₹380.00.

  1. Wax Begonia: compact and bushy plant, shiny green leaves, and clusters of small, brightly colored flowers.
  2. Tuberous Begonia: large, showy blooms in a range of colors, requires winter rest period, tuber can be stored and replanted.
  3. Rex Begonia: striking foliage in a variety of colors and patterns, can be grown as a houseplant.
  4. Angel Wing Begonia: large, pendulous blooms in shades of red, pink, and white, attractive wing-shaped leaves.
  5. Shrimp Begonia: trailing plant with tiny, shrimp-like flowers, ideal for hanging baskets or as a ground cover.

Genus                                   :    Begonia

Season                                 :

Maintenance                     :               Low

Sunlight Requirements  :               Different

Size                                        :               Small

Pot                                         :               Without

Sensitive                              :               Low

Water Requirement        :               Medium


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