Red Rudrakshi (Jack)

Original price was: ₹560.00.Current price is: ₹480.00.

Genus : Tubi

“Experience the unique Red Rudraksha Jackfruit with our premium plant. It features deliciously sweet and aromatic fruits, perfect for enjoying fresh or in various culinary creations.”

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It appears that “Red Rudrakshi” and “Jack Plant” are not valid names for any known plant species. It is possible that these names are used by local people to refer to specific plants that are not widely known by their scientific names. Red Rudrakshi is a very small gum in the shape of Rudraksha. It is a rare species found in Kerala. It is a good species growing in tropical and semitropical climates, growing up to 10 to 12 feet in height like other plants. Commonly used organic fertilizers are sufficient. Round thick fruits are obtained from it. It is widely used in Kerala to cook curries and other foods and eat it as a ripe fruit


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