How to make Compost & Manure


How to make Compost & Manure

Compost and manure are two types of natural fertilizers that can help improve the health and fertility of soil in your garden or yard

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How To Make
Organic Compost

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Organic compost is a natural way to enrich the soil in your garden or yard. It’s made from organic matter like food waste, grass clippings, and fallen leaves, and can be used as a fertilizer to help your plants grow.

Bokashi composting, also known as Bermi composting, is a method of composting that uses a special mix of microorganisms to break down organic matter quickly. Here's how to make Bermi compost:

Gather your supplies

You'll need a Bokashi composting bin, a mix of carbon-rich and nitrogen-rich materials, and a Bokashi mix.

Prepare the bin

Place a layer of the Bokashi mix in the bottom of the bin.

Add organic matter

Add a layer of organic matter like food scraps, shredded newspaper, or grass clippings. Be sure to chop up the larger pieces to make them easier to break down.

Add more Bokashi mix

Sprinkle a layer of Bokashi mix over the organic matter. The mix will help speed up the composting process and reduce odors.

Repeat layering

Add another layer of organic matter, followed by more Bokashi mix. Continue this layering process until the bin is full.

Seal the bin

Place the lid on the bin and press down firmly to remove any air pockets. The anaerobic environment will help the microorganisms break down the organic matter


Let the compost sit for two weeks to several months, depending on how much organic matter you've added and how quickly the microorganisms are breaking it down. The compost will turn dark and have a sweet, pickled smell when it's ready.

Bury or use the compost

You can bury the compost in your garden or add it to your regular compost pile. It's full of beneficial microorganisms that will help your plants grow.

By following these steps, you can make your own Bermi compost and help reduce waste while creating a rich, nutrient-dense fertilizer for your garden.

How To Make
Vermi Compost

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Here are the steps to make your own organic compost:

Choose a composting container

You can use a compost bin, a pile, or even a trash can. Choose a container that's large enough to hold all the organic matter you plan to add.

Collect organic matter

Collect food scraps like fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and eggshells. You can also add yard waste like grass clippings, fallen leaves, and twigs. Do not add meat, dairy, or oily foods as these will attract pests.

Layer the organic matter

Start by adding a layer of brown material like leaves, followed by a layer of green material like food scraps. Repeat this layering process until you have a good mix of brown and green material.

Add water

The organic matter should be damp, but not too wet. Add water as needed to keep the compost moist.

Turn the compost

Use a pitchfork or shovel to turn the compost every few weeks. This helps mix the organic matter and adds oxygen, which speeds up the composting process.

Wait for the compost to mature

The compost will take several months to break down and become rich, dark, and crumbly. Once it's ready, use it as a fertilizer for your garden or yard.

By following these steps, you can create your own organic compost and help keep food waste and yard waste out of landfills.

How To Make

How To Make Manure

Manure is a natural fertilizer that's rich in nutrients and can help your plants grow. Here's how to make manure:

Choose your animal

Manure can be made from the waste of cows, horses, pigs, chickens, and other animals. Choose the animal based on what's available and what's best for your plants.

Collect the manure

Collect the manure from the animal's stall or pen. Wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself from any harmful bacteria.

Add bedding

If the manure is wet or has a strong odor, add bedding material like straw, sawdust, or dried leaves to help absorb the moisture and reduce the smell.

Compost the manure

Place the manure in a compost bin or pile and add carbon-rich materials like dried leaves, straw, or wood chips. Turn the compost regularly to help mix the materials and speed up the composting process.

Wait for the manure to mature

The manure will take several months to break down and become rich, dark, and crumbly. Once it's ready, use it as a fertilizer for your garden or yard

Use caution

By following these steps, you can make your own manure and help reduce waste while creating a rich, nutrient-dense fertilizer for your garden.

By following these steps, you can create your own organic compost and help keep food waste and yard waste out of landfills.

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