Planting & Caring for trees

Planting of bud plants, grafted plants, layered plants, seedlings plants and their subsequent care are mentioned here.

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Ivy paradise

1. Choose a place that gets good sunlight. Mango, Nelly, Pomegranate, Elantha, Fig, Coconut, Flowering plants, Flower trees etc. are those that need good sunlight pepper. Mangosteen, rambutan, phyllodon jamba, caste, cloves and some fruit trees can also grow in the shade.

2. Leave a distance of 6 meters between large trees and 2 meters between small trees. Dig pits of 1x1x1 meter size and depth and separate topsoil with manure content and add 5 kg of dry dung or vermi compost to it and 5 kg of matured gravel and fill 3/4th of the pit with the mixture. If the soil is not very rich in fertilizer, it should be replaced by adding soil and fertilizer. Make a small hole in the middle of the pit and fill it with six layers of sand and cover it completely with polythene cover or pot and then plant the plants in such a way that most part is not covered.

3. Special care should be taken to remove any creaks below the part. Due to lack of attention, poor quality trees will grow and affect the growth of the upper branches if they grow below the stem.

4. 1st year 50 gm N.P.K. Fertilizer 10 Kg. It should be mixed with dried dung or vermicompost. Increase the amount of fertilizer as the tree grows. 50 kg organic fertilizer and 200 gm when growing. N.P.K. Fertilizer should also be mixed.

5.The main pests are earthworm, hoppers, stem borer, fruitworm etc. For leaf and flower cutting hoppers Malathian in water and stem borer and fruit borer in carbar mix 2 gm / 1 liter of water and spray all parts of the tree evenly. Apply 30 grams of phorate to a plant that eats the root and destroys the plant. Or apply pure neem pomace at the rate of 60 gm per plant.

6. Fruit fly traps are a good biological control method to kill fruit-destroying fruit flies.

7. Plants can be planted at the beginning of the rainy season and in all seasons if there is adequate moisture. Seedlings should be planted in a waterlogged place. Planting fruit tree seedlings that are more than one year old and larger in size will help in quick growth and fruiting.

8. Seedlings Plants should be strengthened by tying pegs without being exposed to wind and watered until new growth occurs. If the place receives more sunlight, it is better to provide shade until the roots are lowered into the soil7

8. If there is cloth, thread, etc. in the grafted area, it should be removed with a blade after one month of planting.

9. After 2 months of planting, remove the weeds below and apply 50 gm D.A.P 200 gm neem pomace and cow dung powder mixed with the soil and irrigate.

10. Different species of fruit trees over one year old planted in 2 size cement pots and grown on terrace or in sunny places can produce non-toxic fruits for home consumption

11. It is better to use organic insecticides like cantharimulakui mixture and organic fungicides like Psuedonomus, Trycoderma etc. vermi compost, egg amino solution, azasophospirillum thymor solution panchagavyam, jeevamrutam, amritapani etc. for non-toxic farming. It also helps to catch a lot of flowers and fruits.

12. Plants can be planted at the beginning of the rainy season and in all seasons if there is adequate moisture. Seedlings should be planted in a waterlogged place. Planting fruit tree seedlings that are more than one year old and larger in size will help in quick growth and fruiting.

Trees, like shrubs, can also be affected by various pests and diseases that can impact their health and vigor. Here are some common pests and diseases of trees, along with remedies to help manage or prevent them:

Emerald Ash Borer

This invasive beetle attacks ash trees, causing canopy dieback and eventually tree death. Insecticide treatments are available for management, but they should be applied by professionals. Regular monitoring and early detection are crucial for effective control.

Dutch Elm Disease

This fungal disease affects elm trees and is spread by elm bark beetles. Infected trees exhibit wilting, yellowing, and browning of leaves. Pruning and destroying infected branches, along with injecting fungicides into the trunk, can help manage the disease. Some resistant elm varieties are also available.

Oak Wilt

This fungal disease affects oak trees and can cause rapid defoliation and death. It is primarily spread through root grafts or insect vectors. Preventative measures include avoiding pruning during the growing season when the beetles are active and creating physical barriers to prevent root grafting. Fungicide injections and removal of infected trees are common management approaches.

Pine Bark Beetles

These beetles attack various species of pine trees and can cause extensive damage, leading to tree decline and mortality. Preventative measures include promoting tree health through proper watering, pruning dead or infested branches, and maintaining a healthy tree stand. Insecticides may be used in severe cases.

Needlecast Diseases

Needlecast diseases, caused by various fungi, affect coniferous trees such as pines and spruces. They cause browning and premature shedding of needles. Proper sanitation, including removing infected needles and debris, is essential. Fungicides can be applied preventatively in certain cases.

Gypsy Moth

The larvae of gypsy moths can defoliate a wide range of tree species. Manual removal of egg masses, placing sticky bands around tree trunks to catch caterpillars, and applying biological insecticides can help control infestations

Sudden Oak Death

This disease affects oak and other tree species and is caused by a water mold. It causes foliar lesions, branch dieback, and tree mortality. Pruning and destroying infected branches, improving tree vigor, and avoiding irrigation practices that promote moisture retention can help manage the disease

Deer and Rabbit Browsing

Deer and rabbits can damage tree bark and foliage, particularly in young trees. Protective measures include using physical barriers such as fencing or tree guards to prevent browsing.

Here are some preventive measures :

Pests and diseases of Trees and remedies

Preventing pests and diseases is crucial for tree health

If you’re dealing with specific pests or diseases on your trees, it’s advisable to consult with a certified arborist or tree care professional who can provide expert guidance and recommend appropriate remedies for your specific situation.

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Planting & Care

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